- Ozarks Area Community Actions Corporation (OACAC)
- 2110 S Springfield Ave Suite B, Bolivar Missouri 65613
- (417) 326-6276
- info@oca.ac
- OACAC helps provide financial support to individuals and families needing assistance with housing costs.
- Total household income must fall at or below the HUD Very Low Income Limits (50% at Area Median Income).
- Polk County Christian Social Ministries
- 404 West South St, Bolivar MO 65613
- (417) 326-7179
- PCCSM.syc@gmail.com
- Facebook.com/PolkCountyChristianSocialMinistries
- Supporting individuals by providing individuals with clothing and personal hygiene products
- No income specifications publicly listed, must contact for more information
- Community Outreach Ministries- Food Pantry
- 320 S Market Ave, Bolivar MO 65613
- (417) 326-2769
- Info@Bolivarcom.org
- Bolivarcom.org/pantry
- Food pantry supporting families once monthly with dry goods and USDA commodities
- Shoppers must be under 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) to receive USDA TEFAP commodities and under 200% FPL for non-USDA foods.